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To book Parent Teacher interviews:

Assumption College has moved to a new portal and app for parents and caregivers This is available via any device with an internet connection. The app is called Sentral for Parents and is available from Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Please click here to go to the online version. You will need to register your email before you can access the Portal.

You will have received your unique Portal Access Key/s from the school that will provide access to your students’ information. Once you set up an account password, you can use this login for both the Parent Portal online and the App.

If you have not yet set up your portal, and/or would like the access keys resent, please contact the office on acwarwick@catholic.qld.edu.au or 07 4660 4000.

Forms and Documents

Forms and Documents

School Calendar

School Calendar

Report Absence

Report Absence

School Newsletter (Due Fortnightly)

School Newsletter (Due Fortnightly)